‘Trae Young’s style of play is infuriating’ — Nick on Hawks’ Game 1 win | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST


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Trae Young silences the Madison Square Garden crowd after the Atlanta Hawks took Game 1 with a game-winning floater against the New York Knicks. Nick Wright tells Kevin Wildes and Brandon Marshall what he makes of Trae Young playing the villain role at MSG in the Hawks’ Game 1 win, and why it reminds him of former NBA player Reggie Miller’s assault on the Knicks in the 1995 Eastern Conference Semifinals.

#FirstThingsFirst #NBA #TraeYoung #ReggieMiller #AtlantaHawks #Knicks

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About First Things First:
Nick Wright, Brandon Marshall, Kevin Wildes, and Jenna Wolfe team up on First Things First, a discussion and opinion-based studio program that covers all the headlines weekdays on FS1.

‘Trae Young’s style of play is infuriating’ — Nick on Hawks’ Game 1 win | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First

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